Menswear: Looking Dapper: What to wear: Based on Body Types and Skin Colours: Boys and Men: Menswear plus tips and tricks.

V Body or Apple Body

  1. lean mass – Lean Mass and V Body shapes are currently in trend which means your shoulders are wider than your midriff (below the chest to stomach area) and your hips, as well as, you are quite lean. It is very easy to also make yourself perceive taller than you are in case you are short; and, if you’re not! Then, god bless you for making you that way. Now getting back to what to wear and what not to wear – Here are some tips and tricks! – Slim fits and skin fits are everywhere, now with even two way stretch denims and lycra/spandex yarns even in knits, the possibilities are endless, but be warned, these extreme fits are like a sinful peg of whisky! Great, in balance, horrid in excess, maybe even devastating! You don’t want to look extremely thin or meek do you? The idea is to make your chest and shoulders look more masculine and also, make you look fit rather than meek! Most of the tops, whether it is woven or knit, make sure you have atleast a 2 finger ease between your skin and the fabric without stretching it on either side (approximately 1.5-2 inches). The trousers, keep it slim fit and low/mid waist but avoid skin fits, unless you want your bottoms to be noticed! Jackets/Blazers, suits are your best friends, the excess shoulder and chest paddings, give you that added shape and volume while, keeping it lean, yet not too meek at the waist, it gives you a more built and healthier look! Knit sweaters might also add some elegance for you. Biker jackets will add some fun too, the leather, the worn looks, etc. along with boots, Bomber jackets, parkas, will add well as well! I would ask you to avoid long jackets like trench coats, etc. if you are of shorter build!
  2. Heavy lifter – Here again I would bring in two categories, the first one – Is your waist measurement less than about 15% of your Chest Measurement, then aesthetically you’re still on the leaner side comparatively, and the same rules apply as above stated above in lean mass, whereas if it is more and yet less than our chest measurements, let us all accept we are not made like those Baroque Greek and Roman sculptures, we do have a little or more stomach area showing off our signs of prosperity! Since there are areas of goodness yet in you, the idea is to move the focus on those good areas. Work on showing off your chest and shoulders and try to deceptively hide the little fat under it. Volume is the key! Go in for shirts or tees (woven or knits) which might be fitting at the chest and loose at the waist.

H Body

Well, here I am using a picture of my own, of course taken way back in 2014-15 or so, when being dapper still meant a lot to me, although thanks to the tides of time, I am slowly and healthily converting myself to a pear or A shape and improvising over time. (Pun Intended)

H-Body usually means your chest, waist and hip are almost in the same line visually, which means you are lean with a little belly or love handles fat at the sides or you are slightly bulky with a little bulk as well. In professional terms, your chest, waist and hip measurements are almost the same or your waist is about 10% lesser than your chest, but not more than 10% more than your chest measurement. The idea is to make your waist look slimmer and your chest and shoulder look wider. Your secret magical portion ingredient will be a suit or a blazer look! Avoid the other casual jackets unless they are well padded at the shoulders or the chest. Slim fits for the bottoms. Avoid volume such as comfort fits for bottoms whereas comfort fits and added volume at the waist, paired with slim fits at the bottoms might actually work wonders for you too. Pairing bottoms with knee length or mid thigh length shorts might also work! Choose dark colours and straight or oblique stripes, avoid horizontals. Full Sleeve shirts will also work, avoid half sleeves or sleeveless unless you have well built arms and biceps. Dark coloured sweatshirts or sweaters might also work well, avoid light colours.

A Body or the Pear Shaped

using this image from Legion Athletics website just to show a pear or lower fat Body Type.

Well! What can I say? Signs of prosperity and success have taken a toll on your body? Or, lets say, you like to keep it that way? Formal wear are your best friends, a suit or blazer look, comfort fits, double pleated trousers; these are all your best friends! Avoid tees! Wovens, comfort fits/plus sizes will actually work well, the added volume will work in reverse psychology by hiding that extra signs of prosperity unless you want to show off. Avoid tees and slim fitted tops at all costs! Although slim fit bottoms might work well, but keep them mid to low waist. Accessorize yourself to keep the eye deviated, stoles, a good pair of shoes, maybe even a little bling will work your way. Busy prints might also help! Dark colours and vertical lines are your best friends! avoid horizontals and light colours at all costs! Even neutral colours, I would suggest dark browns and greys. Avoid heavy facial hair such as beards and mustaches as it might make you look smaller and plumper, similarly long hair as well. Avoid heavy jackets such as Parkas or Bombers, even trenches or similar, go for shorter jackets without much volume!